South Santee Aquaculture Featured on ETV

South Santee Aquaculture

Exciting news here at South Santee Aquaculture! Tune into ETV tomorrow night (Saturday) at 7:30 pm for a featured show on our company and aquaculture in South Carolina on The Big Picture. Alternatively, you can visit the ETV site and watch the full broadcast on your computer or just watch it below in our blog.

A bit about the show:
South Carolina’s seafood business is a huge economic driver in our agriculture industry. The Big Picture looks at an initiative that pushes local vendors and restaurants to exclusively purchase homegrown, fresh, SC seafood.

TV Air Date: Thursday - February 19, 2009 at 7:30 pm

Every Friday morning "The Big Picture on the Radio" airs on ETV Radio. Discussion focuses the television topic of the week amongst other timely subjects. Be sure to check 'The Big Picture' homepage each Friday afternoon to tune in live starting at 1:00 p.m.

TV repeats of Thursdays broadcast will air each Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and again on Sunday at 1:00 p.m.

Listen to this Week's Radio Show


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