Basics of the Water Trifecta©
Kevin Hutchinson, Freshwater & Fisheries Biologist, created the Water Trifecta methodology for “environmentally friendly / Green” water management practices. We partner and cooperate with Mother Nature with these three sound principles which work in synchronicity. We encourage common sense water management practices by following this strategy. The “Water Trifecta©” is a sound methodology.
Oxygen: Install an aeration system to keep a consistent level of oxygen throughout your pond.

Ultrasound: Install an ultrasound algae control transducer to kill the majority of algae types that are prone to bloom in your pond. Help prevent new algae spores which are introduced through wind, rain, or from a stray ducks foot from catching hold. Ultrasound waves prevent new algae blooms from occurring and also help reduce the biofilm in the water where algae attach and grow. Ultrasound also is effective in stimulating the transfer of nutrients in and out of bacteria cells which will increase the rate in which decomposition of sludge happens.
Bacteria: Add beneficial bacteria to your pond to consume the nutrients and consume suspended solids in the pond.

Download this research in pdf form here
Water Trifecta- South Santee Aquaculture
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