Wanna Learn About Bottom Aerators for Ponds? Sure you do...

There comes a time in every person's life when you wake up one morning and say to yourself, "I need to learn more about bottom aerators!" Well if that day is today, we're gonna make your life easy, by telling you what you need to know about bottom aerators.What you Should Know about Bottom AerationDuring the summer months, when water is warm, oxygen can be consumed faster than it can be replenished. ...

How can ultrasound help me control the algae in my ponds?

Most algae can be controlled using ultrasound. The estimated number of described algae species is about 28500 to 36500, not including sub-species and unknown species that could take the count to more than 100000. The various species are divided into 16 different phyla that provide a way to categorize them. One of the larger phyla is diatoms where there are about 10,000 described species. Green ...

South Santee Aquaculture Featured on ETV

Exciting news here at South Santee Aquaculture! Tune into ETV tomorrow night (Saturday) at 7:30 pm for a featured show on our company and aquaculture in South Carolina on The Big Picture. Alternatively, you can visit the ETV site and watch the full broadcast on your computer or just watch it below in our blog.A bit about the show:South Carolina’s seafood business is a huge economic driver in our ...

Basics of Water Trifecta©

Basics of the Water Trifecta©Kevin Hutchinson, Freshwater & Fisheries Biologist, created the Water Trifecta methodology for “environmentally friendly / Green” water management practices. We partner and cooperate with Mother Nature with these three sound principles which work in synchronicity. We encourage common sense water management practices by following this strategy. The “Water Trifecta©” ...

Take a Look at Algae Control Products

Here are a few of the algae control products we have listed on our ebay store present ...

Algae Control Store Gets a Facelift

Many of you may have already visited our ebay store, Algae Control Store at some point. You'll be pleased to know that our web designer has given the store a new facelift! Now you can shop online for all of the greatest products from Kasco Marine, LG Sonic, Macrozyme and many more. And it gets evenbetter....we have a separate store on Shopit for our products, for those of you who may be anti-ebay ...