Basic Glossary of Invasive Aquatic Plants

Water Chestnut is Invasive We've been getting quite a few calls lately regarding aquatic plants which are not native to a pond environment, yet seem to be taking it over bit-by-bit-ie. "Invasive Plants". Let's first look at a concise definition of what classifies an invasive plant ( Invasive and Exotic Species of North Americaany species, including its seeds, eggs, spores, or other ...

AlgaeControl.US Receives A+ Rating by BBB

A+ Rating on BBB That's right aquaculture fans!  South Santee Aquaculture aka AlgaeControl.US received a phenomenal A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau.  See for yourself under "fishery consultants" on the BBB website.  What does this mean? BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is ...

Pondzilla is the Monster of Muck

Are there Monsters In Your Pond?  There Should Be The Muck In Your Pond Better Watch Out Our good friends over at Team Aquafix make some pretty amazing products for cleaning wastewater, eliminating undesirables from your pond and lake and making any body of water cleaner and easier to maintain.  One such invention of theirs is the almighty Pondzilla, mentioned on their blog once before. ...

Introducing eLemna-8 An Ecofriendly Duckweed Destroyer

Solving the Problem of Duckweed The primary problem with duckweed is the waxy outer coating which enables it to float and by floating as a mass block sunlight from reaching the bottom of your pond. No sunlight, no photosynthesis, no growth below, so it kills what is below it. It also reduces the oxygen in the water aiding the anaerobic decomposition of the dying biomass and other muck on the bottom.  ...