We LOOOOVE Mapping Marine Life!

World Database on Protected Marine Areas As you probably have figured out by now, we LOOOOVE mapping marine life.  That's why today we bring you yet another cool way to use maps when researching aquatic life on earth.  A lot of times, we like what Google Maps Mania digs up. For example, take a close look at World Database on Marine Protected Areas. Did you know that only 0.7 of the world's ...

Mapping Illegal Pools with Google Earth

As you probably know by now, we like maps.  This is yet another awesome map trick-this time involving location of Illegal Pools (found via GEarth Blog).  Apparently illegal pools are frowned upon up north, as the town of Riverhead, NY, located on Long Island, has recently started using Google Earth to track down backyard pools that don't have the proper licen ...

Away with Geese is A Floating Geese Deterrent

Geese LOVE Your Pond-But You Hate Geese How do we deal with this problem? Simple. Away With Geese is a floating deterrent Wanna Know How to Get Rid of Geese (without a shotgun)? THE SOLUTION =  Away With Geese Light Water-based Unit 1. Disrupts geese sleep patterns causing them to move to another pond. 2. The product floats in the water and works at night, 7 days a week 3. Solar powered ...

Ways to Calculate Pond Volume and Size

 How to Calculate Pond Size This is the first in a series by South Santee Aquaculture about the various was for calculating the size or volume of a garden pond. How to Calculate Water Volume Remember that water volume is calculated much differently based on the shape of the pond. Oval Pond ------- Length x Width x Depth x 6.7 = Water Volume Circle Pond ------ Length x Width x Depth x 5.9 ...

Yearly Pond Maintenance Calendar

Here is a nice way to stay on top of the various maintenance tasks involved with having a healthy garden pond-our yearly pond maintenance calendar!  Add this calendar to your iGoogle or subscribe by email and it will automatically send you an alert to your email on the days that you have new tasks that you should focus on, when keeping a well-managed pond environment. On our end, we will ...